So how do you update a blog that hasn't been used in two and a half years? Well first you have to figure out how to get on it to edit. Wait no first you have to remember what it was called. So I did a google search to find my blog, stop laughing! Once I found it I had to log on and because I must have made my password and whatnot very random it was very difficult. Once I remembered my user name I had my password changed and sent to my email which was put in the junk folder because . . . I don't know why! But anyhow here I am again I figured it out. Believe it or not I am rather technology savvy again stop laughing.
Wow March 2008, So much has happened since then first of all we have 4 kids now. Natalie was born August 27 2008. Since there are too many things to write about from the past 2 years I will make a list so here goes:
1. Hali is in 3rd grade, loves art and soccer, hates cheerleading even though she was SO darn cute, and just got glasses last week.
2. Ethan is in 1st grade, loves soccer, baseball, nintendo, computer games & playing with his friends. He is very good in school and copes pretty well for having 3 sisters.
3. Sophia is in preschool, she loves ballet and babies. She is a girly girl who all she wanted for her birthday was "earrings" and babies.
4. Natalie is 2 she repeats everything you say in her own language. She is funny and love being the center of attention, dancing and singing or playing music on her dora guitar or her princess piano.
5. Jeff and I have now made it beyond the years together. It might sound sappy but I think it has been our best year yet.
6. I am turning 30 in a month.
7. My sister had a baby 4 days before Natalie. Her name is Lydia and she is adorable.
8. For a brief time at the end of 2008 and early 2009 I made and sold these cakes made out of diapers with a friend.
9. Dan Sommer because the youth paster that year too and started to make changes in the ministry that would dynamically change us over the next year. He taught a series called the truth and sex. This lead a teen who's family was prominent in the church and in youth ministry to come forward with her sexual abuse to me in a letter. I turned this "man" and family into dhs in march of 2009.
10. Because of the bravery and honesty of the two oldest girls of this family the predator should spend the next 70ish years of his life in prison. The mother also spent time in jail but has now decided that she made the whole thing up and is trying to "appeal" losing her parental rights to her three daughters.
11. I spent a lot of time in court that spring and summer. (2009)
12. Hali went to Disney World with her Grandma and the Penns. (June 2009)
13. We got "kicked" out of Roosevelt Elementary and sent back to our "home school" which is Hollywood. Hali was upset at first and so was I but I LOVE Hollywood now and couldn't imagine us anywhere else.
14. We got a cat "Bella".
15. We went to Silver Lake for a couple weeks as our summer camping trip.
16. We remodeled the bathroom
17. Hali got her own room.
18. I went to the International Quilt Expo in Chicago 2 years in a row.
19. I finished 4 quilts.
20. I canned 40 quarts of peaches in 2009 and 80 quarts plus some pints in 2010.
21. Hali and Ethan both had art in the Box factory district Art show.
22. I went to Superchick and Barlow Girl it some of my favorite students.
23. I got seniors as my iron group on sunday nights.
24. I went on an awesome youth retreat to Spring Hill camp in January 2010. Man was that COLD!
25. Natalie and Sophia got their first haircuts in March.
26. What am I leaving out OH! Jeff and I went to the Bahamas for ten days in February. We stayed on our neighbors boat, snorkeled, shopped, ate yummy fresh lobster, relaxed and recharged our marriage.
27. Hali went to summer camp for the first time Camp Geneva in Holland.
28. We spent a week and a half at Yogi Bear in northern Indiana, for family summer vacation. Sophia, Ethan and Hali all went down water slides for the first times.
29. Liz (my sister) Had her second baby, a boy, Nathan in May. He was born with giant congenital nevi. Which means really big moles. He is heathy and adorable but has this condition which may require surgeries later on in the next couple years.
30. Our friends the Husmanns came back from Mayo and let us and some others know that Galen was going to pursue a "living donor" for his liver disease. Jeff turned to me and whispered, that doesn't sound like that big of a deal, "I could do that"
And so thats where I am going to leave you tonight. If I write anymore what then will encourage me to come back later hopefully in the near future to fill you all in?