Fall is so fun! There are many things about it that you might take for granted. One for me is having leaves to rake. Yes it is a drag and for those of you who have tons of trees in your yard and rake leaves up from September to June. I have fond and not so fond memories of raking when I was a kid. We didn't have a leaf blower. I think we were the only family on the block who did not have one. We raked our leaves by hand on to a tarp, or picked them up and smashed them into a big garbage can and carried or drug them to the curb. We had about 3/4 an acre and about 8 huge trees. My mom now says (now that she lives by herself and has a leaf blower/vacuum.) she has NO idea why we didn't have one back in the day. I do remember a few good times though. Being out side with the family in the crisp autumn air, and building huger leaf piles then running and jumping in them. Well now days my family and I live on a lot with 2 very small trees, most of our leaves just blow away. We do live behind a farm that has a big tree right on the edge of our property. This year a lot of its leaves fell in our yard so Jeff and the kids raked them up and played in them last night. I was really neat to see them jumping and running in the pile they raked up. They buried daddy too. I am glad for that tree and the few leaves it threw down because without it my kids would miss out on a great fall tradition. I am thankful however that we do not have those 8 trees like I did growing up, because our kids are not old enough to punish by raking the yard. . . Yet. Happy Fall Everyone!!
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