"Why My Husband is the Bomb"
I have always heard that God uses perplexing situations to teach us silly humans lessons, humble us, grow us to be better people, and all that jazz. I guess I have been waiting for God to do this for me. A lot of things that have happened in my life I look us to Him and shout: "WHY!" Well, I am very humble to say that today God used this silly ridiculous court thing in a completely REMARKABLE way.
The whole time I was waiting for our case to he heard ( two hours give or take) I was thinking this is just SO DUMB! I have forgiven these people, the money has already been gracious given to Jeff and me, these people have NO leg to stand on WHY ARE WE HERE GOD!! Well silly little Me would have NEVER expected what would happen during this Judge Judy like fiasco. Let me just tell you a quick story. . .
We are sitting, waiting our turn, in the back of the court room, this part was very tedious because we got to listen to all these other cases that were just SO silly, it was really hard not to laugh many times. AND we were the last case. He calls us up there says a few things then has us "Swear" on nothing to tell the truth etc. (That's right; no more God in that court room for sure now. . .right?. . .) We all sit down Jeff and I had discussed that He would do the talking primarily. This was hard for me I am such a control freak but I just rolled with it. So Jeff starts talking to this Judge, My control freakisum blurts out something. I can't even remember what. The Judge said something like, " Sir do you have a problem with your wife?" uhhh.. Then he turns to me, " Mam, if I hear you out of turn once more you will be sent out and I will not hear from you period. Is that CLEAR!" WOW thank you for that one God. It takes someone that powerful I guess here on earth to bring the SMACK DOWN to Control Freak #1 Heidi. But he (the Judge) and God (the BIG Judge) DEFINITELY shook me and got my attention. But wait that isn't even the cool thing I learned. So, meanwhile, Jeff is talking, so smooth, so articulate, diplomatic, unemotional, PERFECT. It was like "who is this guy, and why am I SO lucky to have him on MY TEAM?" That's right, I really don't remember what Jeff said, or even what the other people said, in all its silliness. God just let me zoom in on my husband and show me who he is. I guess I was really not fully aware, up until today, what a catch I got when Jeff and I married. WOW. Leave it to God only to make this silliness reveal to me how much of a gift I have in the man I married. Oh yeah, and how much I need to respect him way more then I sadly have done up to this point. I can say that I am defiantly changed by this in way huger ways then I ever would have imagined. I am forever and permanently changed. Who knew, God could use this like this. Wow, I am now officially in Aw of My Husband and God.
I was praying for you guys, for your court thing today. Wow, you're right...God is good and reveals things to us in ways we never expect. I think he likes to keep us on our toes! :)
God is so good. Isn't it fun to watch Him work in our human silliness? And isn't it fun to see how He says our marriages are so important to Him and He will use the oddest situations to better our relationships?
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