I thought I would write a little about how cool ultra sounds are. If you have ever been pregnant or had a wife that was how many of you have had the 3 arms and no legs dream, or the normal body but legs like a squid dream? Maybe I am just a paranoid thinker or maybe just have a bit to vivid of an imagination, but really these are two dreams that I have had. Maybe yours have not been as crazy, but I am SURE that you have had a crazy baby dream. I can still not believe that my mother had three kids and didn't get to see any of them until they came out. That was only twenty some years ago. Man when I got my first ultra sound with Hali I was so in shock and aw of that little tiny being swimming around in me, it just didn't seem real. Man, since I had Hali they have really improved the technology. My office has one of those 4D machines. I'm not really sure what that means, but it is really cool. It is kinda like looking at clay image of your kid, in your womb! Granted it's still a little blurry, and I am sure it makes WAY more since to the Doctor then to me or Jeff, but WOW. I guess as of now I am about 15 weeks or so. I had and Ultrasound at my first appointment (they do that now) at 12 weeks. What a relief, sure they don't do all the checks that come at the 22 week one, but just seeing that my baby has LEGS and no Tentacles puts my mind at ease. I took 2 pictures of the little pictures to put on the computer, THANK GOD! Because Jeff took those pictures around showing everyone and then washed them in his jean pocket. Oh well at least I have these two. Enjoy!
Congratulations Heidi on baby #4!! Wow girl, how many kids are you gonna have anyway??! :)
I didn't get the chance to see any of my babies with the 4D ultrasound. Bummer!! It would be so neat to see the baby before you meet them. Oh well, I don't feel bad enough to get pregnant again just see it! :)
Wow! Beautiful!!
That's my grandson! I was just excited to hear my babies' heartbeats!
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