Sunday, November 04, 2007

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Ode to small claims court. What can I say I thought this was just going to go away by itself. I really never imagined to actually going in front of a judge for something so silly. For those of you who do not know what the whole situation is I am sorry but it is really not that important for me to hash it up and ramble on about it. We will just say that there are people on the earth that are very stubborn who even when they are not even a tiny bit right they are "STILL RIGHT". (By people I do not mean Jeff or Me at least not in this particular situation.) Anyhow we have done everything in our power and our Realtor has done everything in her to honer God's word and keep this thing out of court, but it is just not worked and Tomorrow is the big day. Well let me get to the point of this here Blog.
Tonight the kids got their sermon on Forgiveness. It was the whole "let you who hasn't sinned throw the first stone. . ." deal, no one threw a stone. I definitely can not throw a stone (so to speak) at this couple who has put us through all this unnecessary stress. I would love to . . . Literally. . . but THAT is exactly why I will not. I observe my own life, I think of all the stupid "little" sins I do ALL day long, constantly falling and having only the hand of God to help me back up to my feet. So for my own sake, because God has told us to love and to forgive like he has, for us I have chosen to forgive this couple. I just wanted it to be on record I guess. So I can now have some accountability to follow through with my forgiveness by choosing not to ever hold it against these people. I must say I do hope our judge tomorrow is as cool as Judge Judy, just a fun thought.

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