Thursday, March 06, 2008

I have to set this up a bit or you may all think Jeff is NUTS! . . .
One of friends who is also a pastor at our church is in the midst of planting a church in Atlanta G.A. He did a sermon of updates and stuff to pray for a couple weeks ago. It was also about recognizing Gods "call". And LISTENING. . . I know He he was also plugging for some families from the church who felt led to move with them to help start this new church, this is all very cool, although it sucks that yet another good friend of mine will be leaving Michigan. Well this is a conversation that followed this sermon the next week.

Jeff: "Heidi, I have really been thinking hard about Robs message on Sunday."

Me: "Ummm, Honey, There are no Nuclear Power plants in the greater Atlanta area, I doubt we would be any help if we couldn't even afford to buy food. . ."

Jeff: "Oh, No, that isn't what I meant, or was thinking about anyway. . ."

Me: "Uhh, Ok what then?"

Jeff: "Well you know how I have been planing on going under the knife after this Baby is born. Well He (Rob) was talking about how God sometimes calls you to do things that are the opposite of what you are planing on doing or WANT to do.. . . Maybe God doesn't want me to get that snip snip because He wants us to have more kids. . ."

Me: "Did God also tell you that you would be the one of us getting pregnant again? Because if not, I think you are just gonna have to go against God this time babe."

1 comment:

Mrs. Suttor said...

What are you doing up writing about this at 6:05 AM?? I think you should listen to Jeff!